Priority and Thrust Area of the College
It is observed that the socially disadvantaged sections of our society, particularly the Scheduled Castes (SCs), Other Backward Classes (OBCs) and the minority class (Muslims, Sikhs, Jains, Parses etc.), usually lag behind in education sector due to various socio-political and economic hindrances in comparison with the other people. Therefore one of the core and distinctive thrust areas in the functional dynamics of Government Mohindra College, Patiala is to empower and acknowledge the lower strata of the society that leads to their development in relation with their higher education. The college since its inception is actively engaged in carrying out multifaceted activities to promote equity in access to higher education of disadvantaged section of society.
A progressive and rigorous approach is the hallmark of this historic institution in every activity it undergoes. All this has been possible through its proud Team Mohindra, comprising dedicated faculty members and administrative staff. For the social empowerment of such sections, access to higher education is the primary requirement.
Thus, in order to increase the enrollment of such disadvantaged sections and to empower the same, there are provisions of national and state scholarships in the college to support their education. The data related to the enrollment of such students and their complete profile with regard to sessions has been attached to support the claim. The term ‘Complete profile’ here includes Students area, religion and category.
The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment implements the various programs for the benefit of weaker sections of the society so that they can acquire higher education easily. For the social empowerment of Scheduled castes, OBC and the minority class as well as for the improvement of enrollment ratio and retention of these groups to support their education, the Department of Social Justice and Empowerment introduced the post matric scholarships scheme under the name of Ambedkar Scholarship. The primary aim of the scheme is to provide financial assistance at the post secondary stage that further enables them to complete their higher education effectively. The scholarships are available by the government for only those students who completely fulfills the criteria of this scholarship scheme. So the college ensures that this fulfillment of criteria effectively at the admission stage. So the admission committees carefully access the required documents of such students during their admission so that they can get benefit given by the government easily and get enrolled in the required course to achieve their respective education. In order to empower the religious minorities sections that is Muslims, Sikhs, Janis, Parsees Etc, National Minority Scholarship Scheme is introduced by the Departments of Social Justice and Empowerment is also available for the college students. The objective of the minority scholarship is to provide scholarships to the meritorious students of the minority sections and to provide them good educational opportunities to enhance their employability by pursuing higher education. These scholarships are disbursed through direct benefit transfer to the eligible meritorious students. The college provides financial assistance to several students with partial fee waiver including PTA fee and hostel fee waivers for deserving students.
A grievances redressal committee has been constituted in the institute for the redressal of student’s grievances and to give a practical form to their suggestions.
Apart from these disadvantaged sections the college also promotes equity in terms of women empowerment. The college has produced a large number of sportswomen, meritorious girl students excelling in academics as well as extracurricular activities, shining scholars holding university merit positions. The women section of faculty members need special mention as well, as many distinguished achievements have been possible because of their commitment, concern and care. The college promotes equality and provides education to the students of the different section of the society without any discrimination. It also provides suitable opportunities to cultivate their talent and receive education. Many of our female faculty members have not only taught the students with best of their skills and professional approach in classes, but have guided a large number of research scholars for advanced research for M.Phil and PhD degrees in a large number of universities in the region. They serve the students with zeal and passion. Be it any area of academics, the women faculty members have always contributed their best. The college had to its distinction being lead by the women Principals many a times and also providing many lady principals throughout the state through departmental promotions.
Apart from the curricular activities and wide variety of courses that the college offers, we have various co-curricular cells, clubs and activities for the heuristic development of students. A Mohindrian must be an epitome of all round personality development and this is possible through his/her indulgence in all sorts of group and individual activities. This is one of the rare colleges where gender equity is given prominent thought by the esteemed Chair of the college. There are ample examples where girls have more participation rate than boys which helps in promoting a gender free healthy society. Even the college offers educational benefits for single girl child and girls from weaker sections of the society.
To contribute more in this regard, awareness lectures, rallies and poster/slogan making activities are arranged throughout the year majorly on various themes of gender equity.