Office of Registrar

Office of Registrar

The internal and external examinations of the students are conducted under the supervisions of the Registrar Branch of the college headed by Registrar who is a senior faculty member. Currently Dr. Gagandeep Cheema, Associate Professor is serving as the Registrar of the College.

The Registrar Branch is responsible for scheduling the internal examinations of the students and compiling the internal awards of the students. For this directions are provided to the teaching department from time to time. The Branch also serves as an appellate authority for redressing the grievances of the students pertaining to internal awards.

Besides this, the Registrar Branch serves as a link between the college and Punjabi University examination branch and conducts the terminal examination as per the schedule and directions received from the affiliating University.

The Registrar Branch provides necessary support to students in case they face any issue with regard to terminal examination such as delay in declaring the results, students being showed absent in examinations due to procedural errors etc.