Guidlines to Countributers
Guidlines to Countributers
- The manuscripts shall be emailed at
- The manuscript shall include the abstract of the paper, not exceeding 200 words, including five keywords.
- The paper should be typed in Times New Roman font size 12 (suitable font for Punjabi/Sanskrit/Hindi), with default margins of MS Word (1” top & bottom, 1.25” left and right margins), 1.5 line spacing and be aligned.
- The word limit of the manuscript should be 3000-5000 words.
- Only references/ Bibliography to be given at the end of the paper. No footnotes or end notes are to be included.
- While communicating the abstract/paper, the researcher shall certify in the email that the submitted paper is original and has not been communicated elsewhere for publication and also giving the right to the publishers to edit the paper as per the requirements of the Journal.
- The reviewers and editorial board of the Journal will have the final say in determining the suitability of the research paper for its publication in the Journal.